Brawl Stars: Surge Best Gadget and Star Power

Surge, a Legendary brawler and a fan favorite, belongs to the Damage Dealer class. With a slow default movement speed, he transforms into a very fast mover at the level 2 (super upgrade). Surge has a normal range and a slow reload speed, excelling in aggressive playstyles and performing well in various situations.

His primary attack involves shooting a shot of juice that splits into two upon impacting an enemy. Surge starts at stage 1 with normal range, and as he levels up, his attack range and the number of times his attack splits increases.

Upon using his super, Surge jumps in a specified direction and is upgraded, reaching a maximum level of 3. However, his level resets upon death. The super is valuable for dodging enemy attacks and supers and also charges quickly.

In this discussion, we will explore Surge’s gadgets, star powers, the best build, and the game modes where he truly shines.

Surge’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Power Surge

Upon activation, this gadget instantly upgrades Surge to level 1 for 10 seconds. This proves invaluable, especially during the initial stages of a match when Surge is relatively vulnerable. Starting with slow movement speed and a short attack range, Surge can be an easy target. This gadget provides a temporary boost, allowing Surge to survive longer and potentially secure his super, giving him the edge he needs to become a more formidable opponent.

Second Gadget: Power Shield

This gadget provides Surge with a shield that absorbs 50% of the next enemy’s attack damage. Additionally, it utilizes this energy to reload 2 ammo for Surge. Both of Surge’s gadgets offer valuable benefits, and the choice between them largely depends on your preferred playstyle. Whether you prioritize a temporary upgrade to level 1 or prefer a shield that aids in both defense and ammo replenishment, Surge’s gadgets cater to different strategies in the heat of battle.

Surge’s Star Power

First Star Power: To the Max

This star power empowers Surge’s attacks to split even upon hitting obstacles such as walls.

Second Star Power: Serve Ice Cold

This star power ensures that Surge retains his level 1 super upgrade even if he dies. This added resilience prevents Surge from losing his super upgrade upon death, offering a more sustained and powerful presence in battles. It contributes to Surge’s overall survivability and allows players to maintain their strategic advantage throughout the match.

Best Surge Build

The optimal build for Surge features his second gadget, “Power Shield,” and his second Star Power, “Serve Ice Cold.” This combination effectively addresses Surge’s weaknesses, particularly his vulnerability at the start of the match. The “Power Shield” gadget allows him to survive longer until he acquires his super, while the “Serve Ice Cold” Star Power mitigates the frustration of losing his level upon death.

For gear choices, prioritize Speed and Damage gear. Speed enhances Surge’s mobility, allowing for better positioning and maneuverability, while Damage gear amplifies his offensive capabilities. This well-rounded build maximizes Surge’s strengths and minimizes his vulnerabilities, providing a balanced and effective setup in various game modes.

Best Game modes For Surge

Surge excels in Showdown modes, Gem Grab, and Bounty, showcasing his versatility and effectiveness in various situations.

In Showdown, Surge’s well-rounded abilities, including decent damage and excellent survivability and evading capabilities, make him a top choice for victory in this mode.

In Gem Grab, Surge’s adaptability shines, especially when utilizing his second star power. He proves effective at both long and short ranges, making him adept at securing gems and contributing to the team’s success.

In Bounty, Surge’s combination of good damage and pressure-applying abilities makes him a valuable asset. His versatility and engaging playstyle make Surge an excellent choice for navigating tight situations and ensuring an enjoyable gaming experience.

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