Brawl Stars: Larry & Lawrie Best Gadget and Star Power

Larry & Lawrie, the new Epic Brawlers, are the first two-in-one brawlers, belonging to the Artillery class. Let’s delve into how this dynamic duo operates.

Larry, the first brother, possesses fast movement speed, long range, and a slower reload speed. As a throw-type brawler akin to Barley or Dynamike, Larry hurls a bundle of ticks that explode twice. The first explosion has a small radius, while the second one covers a larger area. Activating Larry’s super brings Lawrie, his brother, into the fray. Lawrie shares similar health with Larry, follows him closely, and attacks nearby enemies.

Lawrie’s attacks are cone-shaped, unleashing two waves. The first wave comprises 3 plugs, and the second wave features 5 plugs. Both brothers deliver devastating damage with their basic attacks.

In this article, we’ll explore Larry & Lawrie’s gadgets, star powers, optimal build, and the game modes where they truly shine. Join us for an in-depth discussion on maximizing the potential of this unique duo in your Brawl Stars experience.

Larry & Lawrie Gadgets

First Gadget: Swap

Activating this gadget causes Larry and Lawrie to swap their weapons, and this effect persists until another gadget is used to reverse the process. This gadget proves highly effective, providing the flexibility to adapt your playstyle based on the enemy team composition. If facing predominantly short-range brawlers, you can switch to Lawrie’s weapon, and vice versa for short-range opponents using Larry’s weapon.

The suitability of this gadget largely depends on the mode you are playing, making it a solid choice, particularly in 3 vs 3 modes. By strategically utilizing this gadget, you can enhance your versatility and better counter your opponents in various scenarios.

Second Gadget: Fall Back

Upon activation, Larry and Lawrie execute a dash toward each other, swapping places and concurrently healing 33% of their maximum health. It’s essential to note that this gadget can be interrupted by walls between the two brawlers. In showdown modes, this gadget proves quite useful for evading attacks or quickly repositioning in Heist, allowing a swift return to the Heist safe by swapping places with Lawrie.

Larry & Lawrie Star Powers

First Star Power: Protocol: Protect

This star power helps Larry by transferring 30% of the damage he takes to Lawrie. It’s really helpful because it lowers the damage Larry gets hit with, making him tougher. Many pro players think this star power is the top choice.

Seconds Star Power: Protocol: Assist

This star power grants Larry the ability to recover 30% of his ammo each time Lawrie damages an enemy. While not as synergistic as the first star power, it still holds significant value. Particularly, this star power shines in Heist modes, where Larry and Lawrie can swiftly destroy the enemy’s heist safe in a matter of seconds. The strategic use of this star power can make Larry a formidable force in Heist battles, emphasizing quick and efficient assaults on the opponent’s safe.

Best Build for Larry & Lawrie

he optimal build for Larry & Lawrie features their first Gadget, “Swap,” and their first star power, “Protocol: Protect.” The “Swap” gadget allows these brawlers to fulfill dual roles in a match, particularly effective in 3 vs 3 game modes. The star power, “Protocol: Protect,” enhances their durability, making them one of the most formidable brawlers in the game.

For gear choices, Damage and Gadget Charge stand out as the best options. The Damage gear amplifies their already devastating attack power, while Gadget Charge increases the frequency of gadget uses, providing enhanced utility in various situations. This combination ensures Larry & Lawrie’s effectiveness and adaptability on the battlefield.

Best Modes of Larry & Lawrie

Larry & Lawrie excel in almost every game mode, showcasing their versatility across various scenarios. However, they stand out as one of the most overpowered brawlers in Heist mode. Their ability to single-handedly destroy the Heist safe is particularly notable, especially when utilizing their second star power to increase reload speed and deal devastating damage.

In addition to their dominance in Heist, Larry & Lawrie exhibit strong survivability in Showdown modes, especially when leveraging their first star power. With the right strategies and star power choices, Larry & Lawrie can be formidable contenders across a broad spectrum of Brawl Stars game modes.

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