Brawl Stars: Janet Best Gadget and Star Power

Janet is a Mythic brawler of the “Marksman” type who made her debut in Season 12 of Brawl Stars. She possesses normal health, attack speed, and movement speed. Her unique feature lies in her attack range, which varies between short and long depending on how much you charge her attack.

Janet is an excellent and versatile brawler, making her a lot of fun to play. In this article, we will explore her best Gadget, Star Power, and the game modes where she excels the most.

Janet’s Kit

Janet’s basic attacks unleash a shock wave that can penetrate through enemies. The range of this attack depends on how long you aim it, with a longer aim resulting in a greater range.

Janet’s super ability is very fun to use and proves valuable in many situations, enhancing her overall survivability. When she activates her super, she gains the ability to fly over both other brawlers and obstacles. During this flight, she drops bombs that deal damage to any enemies below her. Importantly, while she’s airborne, she becomes invulnerable to all forms of damage. This super lasts for a total of 7 seconds, giving her ample time to make strategic plays.

Janet’s Gadget

First Gadget: Drop the Bass

Janet’s first gadget is known as “Drop the Bass.” When activated, she deploys a speaker that generates a large area around her. Within this area, enemies suffer 100 damage per second until the speaker is destroyed. It’s important to note that the speaker’s health diminishes gradually over time.

This gadget can prove useful in a range of situations. You can employ it to absorb some incoming damage, and at the same time, apply pressure to the opposing team, making them think twice about getting too close to you.

Second Gadget: Backstage Pass

Janet’s second gadget, “Backstage Pass,” offers a unique ability. When activated, her next attack propels her backward into the air, and the distance depends on how much her attack is charged.

This gadget comes in handy for evading enemy attacks and escaping tight situations, especially when your health is running low. It’s a favorite choice among players in solo or duo showdowns, as it enables them to leap over walls and dodge incoming attacks effectively.

Janet’s Star Powers

First Star Power: Stage View

Janet’s Star Power grants her and her teammates the ability to spot enemies hidden within bushes across a large area while she’s using her super. This Star Power finds its niche on maps with more bushes, though it may not be the top choice for professional players who have a different preferred play style with her.

Second Star Power: Vocal Warm Up

Janet’s second star power is called “Vocal Warm Up. This Star power allows Janet to focus her attack 30% faster from minimum to max range.

Best Janet Build

Janet’s best build consists of her first gadget, “Backstage Pass,” and her second Star Power, “Vocal Warm Up.” This combination enhances her passive play style while also giving her the ability to apply pressure effectively, maximizing her overall potential.

Both of her gadgets are strong choices and largely depend on the player’s preferred style. However, her first gadget is favored by professional players for the added versatility it brings to her kit.

When it comes to gear, the best options for Janet are Health and Damage. In maps with an abundance of bushes, Vision and Health become particularly valuable.

Best Modes for Janet

Janet is an exceptionally versatile brawler, making her a strong contender in various game modes. However, she truly shines in “Gem Grab” and “Solo Showdown” maps. Her super ability allows for nimble escapes from tight spots and applies substantial pressure to opponents, thanks to her first gadget. This gadget also makes it difficult for enemies to get too close to her. Additionally, her second gadget adds further evasive capabilities to her play style, making her a good choice in these game modes.

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