Brawl Stars: Best Chuck Gadget and Star Power

Chuck is the new Mythic brawlers which will arrive in phase 2 of Season 20 of Brawl Stars.

In this article, we will discuss Chuck’s kit, the optimal build for him, and the best game modes to unleash his full potential.

Chuck’s Kit

Chuck is a damage dealer brawler with fast movement speed. However, he has a relatively slow reload speed and normal attack speed. His damage output varies depending on the distance from the enemy; he deals more damage up close and less damage as the distance increases.

He proves to be highly effective in both mid-range and short-range combat scenarios. However, when it comes to long-range battles, he faces challenges due to the increased distance and his slower reload speed, which can hinder his ability to consistently deal damage.

Chuck’s super ability allows him to create a train post, which he can use to dash to within a specific area. This dash also deals damage to any brawler in its path. Additionally, Chuck’s unique trait grants him the ability to start a match with his super already charged, giving him an early advantage.

Furthermore, he can establish up to 3 train posts that can be strategically connected to cover more distance when dashing between them, offering enhanced mobility and positioning options.

It’s important to note that Chuck’s train posts cannot be connected if there are obstacles or hindrances in between them. These obstacles can block the dash path, so players should consider the map layout and positioning when utilizing his super and placing train posts strategically.

Chuck is a very durable brawlers because of his high HP and his fast movement speed which is further enhanced by his dashing ability provided by his super.

Chuck’s ability to move in and out of battles with ease provides him with exceptional recovery potential. Moreover, his super grants him a 50% damage reduction while dashing, enhancing his survivability during engagements.

His super also possesses the unique ability to interrupt other brawler’s supers, such as those of Carl, Frank, or Buzz. This versatility allows Chuck to not only deal damage and cover distances but also disrupt enemy supers, making him a versatile and impactful brawler in a variety of situations.

Chuck’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Rerouting

Chuck’s first gadget, known as “Rerouting,” grants him the ability to remove the nearest established train post and immediately recharge his super. This gadget can be highly advantageous, particularly when you’ve inadvertently placed a train post in an unfavorable or incorrect location.

Second Gadget: Ghost Train

Chuck’s second gadget, known as “Ghost Train,” empowers his super to pass through walls. This gadget proves to be valuable for evading opponents and efficiently navigating the map. By allowing his super to traverse obstacles, Chuck gains enhanced mobility and the ability to surprise and outmaneuver opponents, making it a strategic choice for various situations.

Chuck’s Star Powers

First Star Power: Pit Stop

Chuck’s first Star Power, “Pit Stop,” expands his maximum train post capacity from 3 to 4. This Star Power increases Chuck’s ability to cover extensive distances when dashing, further enhancing his evasive capabilities.

Second Star Power: Tickets Please

Chuck’s second Star Power, “Tickets Please,” grants him the ability to steal 33% of the enemy’s ammo.

However, using this Star Power effectively can be challenging, as opponents can often predict the path of Chuck’s dash and evade it. To fully harness the potential of this Star Power, it requires a high level of skill and precise timing to catch opponents off guard and disrupt their attacks.

Best Chuck Build

The recommended build for Chuck includes his first gadget, “Rerouting,” and his first Star Power, “Pit Stop.” This combination proves to be the most efficient for Chuck.

The first gadget permits him to remove misplaced train posts, helping create a strategic path for dashing. Coupled with his first Star Power, which expands the number of train posts he can establish from three to four, this build significantly enhances Chuck’s dashing capabilities and overall effectiveness in battles.

The best gear for Chuck can depend on your preferred playstyle and the specific game mode you’re participating in:

  1. Speed and Damage: This gear combination enhances Chuck’s mobility and damage output. It allows him to quickly maneuver around the battlefield while dealing increased damage to opponents.
  2. Speed and Health: In some situations, particularly when you need more survivability, Speed and Health can be a valuable choice. The added health helps Chuck withstand attacks, making him more durable in battle.

Your gear choice should align with your playstyle and the requirements of the game mode, ensuring that you adapt to the situation for the best results with Chuck.

In general, Speed and Damage gears are great choices for Chuck. Chuck’s swift movement allows him to enhance his dodging skills with the Speed gear. Additionally, since Chuck’s damage output is closely tied to his proximity to targets and he struggles in long-range battles, opting for the Damage gear is a wise decision.

When playing modes like Siege or Heist, consider utilizing Chuck’s Second gadget and his First Star Power. These choices can be particularly effective in these game modes.

Best Modes for playing Chuck

Chuck shines in 3 vs. 3 game modes. His ability to swiftly enter and exit battles boosts his survivability and improves his knack for hit-and-run tactics. This makes him a formidable choice for engaging opponents and then quickly retreating.

Chuck’s unique ability makes him a standout performer in modes like Siege and Heist. He can seamlessly move in and out of combat without exposing himself to unnecessary risk, all while delivering great damage to the opposing team.

Chuck proves his worth in Gem Grab due to his durability, speed, and agility, allowing him to dash in and out effectively.

However, in modes like Solo Showdown or Knockout, where success often hinges on dealing quick damage, Chuck faces challenges. His slower reload speed puts him at a disadvantage in close-range encounters, especially against the fast-hitting Assassin-type brawlers frequently seen in these modes.

Chuck excels in modes like Bounty or Brawl Ball, where enduring battles and dealing sustained damage are crucial. His hit-and-run capabilities make him a valuable asset in Brawl Ball, aiding his teammates in scoring goals. Additionally, his strong endurance serves him well in Bounty, allowing him to hold his own effectively in this mode.

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