Brawl Stars: Sam Best Gadget and Star Power

Sam is an Epic brawler in the Assassin class, he made his debut in Season 14 of Brawl Stars. He possesses a short attack range, fast movement speed, and normal reload speed when using Knuckle Busters, and very fast reload speed without them.

Sam’s kit is very unique. He begins a match with a super charged, providing him with Knuckle Busters, which enables high-damage basic attacks. However, his damage output decreases when he loses his Knuckle Busters.

His super ability allows him to hurl his Knuckle Busters in a chosen direction, dealing devastating damage upon impact. Sam can recharge his super by retrieving the Knuckle Busters he’s thrown. Additionally, he can recover them by recharging his super and using it again, causing the Knuckle Busters to return to him.

In this guide, we’ll explore Sam’s Gadgets, Star Powers, his optimal build, and the recommended game modes for playing him effectively.

Sam’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Magnetic Field

Sam’s first gadget, “Magnetic Field,” upon activation, grants his Knuckle Busters on the ground the ability to draw nearby enemies within a small area. This gadget is considered the top choice for playing Sam and excels in situations involving low-health brawlers, often resulting in confirmed kills. It provides him with effective crowd control and additional lethality.

Second Gadget: Pulse Repellent

Sam’s second gadget, which allows his next super to knock back enemies, may not be the most suitable choice for him. It doesn’t offer strong synergy with his kit and can often prove less useful in many situations. This gadget may not be the optimal pick for Sam’s playstyle and abilities.

Sam’s Star Powers

First Star Power: Hearty Recovery

Sam’s first Star Power “Hearty Recovery”, which lets him recover 20% of his missing health when picking up his Knuckle Busters, is the top choice for playing him. This Star Power aligns perfectly with Sam’s aggressive play style, as it allows him to regain health while continuously engaging and challenging enemies. It enhances his survivability and supports his dynamic approach to the game.

Second Star Power: Remote Recharge

Sam’s second Star Power, which lets him charge his super when there are enemies near his dropped Knuckle Busters, is a decent option but doesn’t provide as significant an advantage as the first one. This Star Power may not be the top choice in most situations and is not the preference of many professional players, as it doesn’t offer as much utility as the first Star Power.

Best Sam Build

The most effective build for Sam consists of his first gadget, “Magnetic Field,” and his first Star Power, “Hearty Recovery.” This combination provides the optimal synergy with his kit and aggressive play style. With this build, you can easily dominate low-health brawlers. Since Sam struggles against high-damage brawlers, it’s crucial to play a more cautious role when facing them. It’s advisable to poke your enemies and let your teammates handle them while adopting a safer approach against these brawlers.

In terms of gear, Health and Damage or Shield and Damage are the recommended choices, depending on your preferred play style and the specific requirements of the match. These gear options allow you to adapt to various situations and optimize Sam’s performance accordingly.

Best Modes for Playing Sam

Sam’s strengths lie in battling low-health and long-range brawlers, while he struggles against high-damage opponents. Consequently, the best game modes for playing Sam are Knockout, Bounty, Wipe Out, and Heist. In these modes, where low-health brawlers are frequently encountered, Sam can thrive and make a significant impact on the battlefield by securing kills for the team.

Conversely, Sam may not be the most suitable choice in game modes like Siege, Showdown maps, and Gem Grab. These modes often feature high-damage and high-health brawlers, which are unfavorable matchups for Sam. In such cases, other brawlers may be better suited for these game modes.

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