Brawl Stars: Colette Best Gadget and Star Power

Colette, a Epic brawler introduced in Season 3 of Brawl Stars, falls under the Damage Dealer class. With normal movement speed, long-range, and a normal reload speed, she brings a unique skill set to the battlefield. In this article, we’ll delve into her kit, gadgets, star power, recommended build, and game modes where she excels.

Her basic attacks unleash a projectile inflicting damage equal to 37% of the opponent’s current health. Even at maximum level, the minimum damage she can deal is 1000. Colette’s strength lies in her ability to excel against Tank-type brawlers like Frank, El Primo, and Buster, leveraging damage based on the current health of her enemies. Notably, she also deals increased damage to special targets such as Power Cube Boxes, The IKE, and Heist Safes.

Colette’s super move enables her to dash back and forth, simultaneously dealing damage to enemies in her path. This super packs a punch, dealing damage equivalent to 20% of her opponent’s maximum health, adding an extra layer to her strategic arsenal.

Colette’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Na-ah!

This gadget empowers Colette’s next attack, granting an additional 1500 damage. While it can prove quite valuable in solo play, it may not be the optimal choice in other modes given her existing kit and play style. Consideration of Colette’s overall strategy and the specific demands of the game mode is crucial when deciding whether to deploy this gadget.

Second Gadget: Gotcha!

When activated, this gadget enables Colette’s attacks for the next 5 seconds to heal her for 80% of the damage dealt to enemies. Recognized as the top choice for her in every mode, this gadget significantly enhances Colette’s durability. The healing effect complements her playstyle, compensating for the damage dealt to opponents as their health diminishes. Embracing this gadget empowers Colette to not only deal significant damage but also sustain herself in the heat of battle across various game modes.

Colette’s Star Powers

First Star Power: Push It

With this star power in play, Colette’s super dash drags enemies in her path to the farthest point of the attack. While it proves notably useful in Showdown for interrupting opponent supers and seizing the ball in Brawl Ball, it may not exhibit strong synergy with her overall kit in other scenarios. Evaluating its effectiveness in specific game modes is essential to harness the full potential of this star power in Colette’s repertoire.

Second Star Power: Mass Tax

This star power grants Colette a 20% shield for 5 seconds after executing her super. What makes it particularly effective is that each enemy brawler she hits during her super adds an additional 10% protection. This star power exhibits excellent synergy with her kit, especially in team modes where Colette excels. Mastering the art of chaining supers effectively can render her nearly invincible, making this star power a strategic choice for those looking to maximize Colette’s defensive capabilities and dominate in team-oriented game modes.

Colette’s Hypercharge: Teen Spirit

Upon activation of her hypercharge, Colette experiences a triple boost – a 30% increase in speed, a 25% surge in damage, and a 25% enhancement in shield protection. Unleashing her super during hypercharge introduces an additional feature: her spirit now follows her, dealing 1000 damage to regular enemies and a whopping 5000 damage to special targets. This powerful combination not only amplifies Colette’s offensive capabilities but also adds strategic flexibility, making her a formidable force to reckon with during hypercharged moments in battle.

Best Colette Build

The optimal Colette build revolves around her second gadget, “Gotcha,” and her second Star Power, “Mass Tax.” Tailored for 3 vs. 3 modes, Colette may not shine as brightly in solo play due to her diminishing damage as opponents’ health decreases. She truly thrives in team play, particularly excelling against tanky brawlers. This build enhances her synergy, addressing her shortcomings in durability and damage.

Unlocking Colette’s full potential requires maxing her out, with her hypercharge ranking among the best in the game. This elevates her to the status of an exceptional support brawler and a formidable counter against tanks.

For gear, prioritizing Speed and Damage proves to be the winning combination. This choice not only boosts her durability but also increases her damage output, ensuring Colette is well-equipped to navigate battles and emerge victorious in 3 vs. 3 scenarios.

Best Modes for Playing Colette

Colette finds her stride in 3 vs. 3 modes, standing out as an exceptional support brawler. However, her effectiveness diminishes in solo play, where she can be countered by a variety of brawlers. The best modes for Colette include Boss Fight, Siege, and Heist. These game modes capitalize on her capacity to deliver high damage to special targets, showcasing her prowess as a valuable team player in strategic scenarios.

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