Brawl Stars: Charlie Best Gadget and Star Power

Charlie is an upcoming Chromatic Brawler set to make her debut in Season 21 of Brawl Stars, scheduled to start in November 2023. Players can unlock her by reaching Tier 30 of the Brawl Pass. Charlie falls under the Controller class of brawlers, meaning she brings high utility to the game but not exceptionally high damage. Her unique kit and fun game play make her a captivating addition to the Brawl Stars roster.

Charlie has normal movement speed, a long attack range, and a variable reload speed that depends on how quickly her yo-yo returns. This unique aspect of her kit adds an extra layer of strategy to her game play.

In this article, we will delve into Charlie’s kit, explore her best build, discuss the best game modes for playing her, delve into her Hyper Charge ability, and more.

Charlie’s Kit

Charlie’s basic attacks closely resemble Carl’s in that she slings her yo-yo to damage any enemy in its path. However, her attacks differ from Carl’s as her yo-yo doesn’t pierce through enemies. She possesses a single ammo bar that recharges as soon as her yo-yo returns, enabling her to deliver good damage at close range.

Her super ability is distinctive and engaging. Charlie hurls her long hair in a chosen direction, entrapping any brawler struck by her super in a cocoon. This super proves to be both enjoyable to use and highly versatile, with various applications. It can be employed to disrupt an opponent’s super, escape when your health is low, create opportunities for engaging with multiple brawlers, and much more.

Charlie excels against low-health brawlers at short range but faces challenges when dealing with high-damage or high-health brawlers in close quarters. She truly shines in long-range and mid-range combat scenarios.

Hyper Charge: Pestilence

Charlie’s Hyper Charge, known as “Pestilence,” enhances her super ability by summoning three spiders that target the nearest enemy. This feature bears similarities to her first gadget, but her Hyper Charge provides additional benefits, including a 30% increase in damage and speed, as well as a 10% shield. This combination of effects amplifies her super’s potency, making her even more formidable in battle.

Charlie’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Spiders

Charlie’s gadget enables her to summon three spiders that automatically target the nearest enemy. These spiders have 2200 health each and can deliver 800 damage per hit, but they also gradually lose health over time. This gadget proves to be quite valuable, as it can be employed for various purposes, including absorbing damage to escape from an enemy or to mount an aggressive attack. The choice of using this gadget may depend on the specific game mode you’re playing, with it being particularly effective in solo play.

Second Gadget: Personal Space

Charlie’s second gadget provides her with the ability to encase herself in a cocoon, along with healing 50% of her total health when she emerges from the cocoon. Both of her gadget options are solid choices, with the decision largely influenced by your play style and the specific game mode you’re engaged in. This particular gadget is often recommended for use in 3 vs. 3 modes, where it can offer valuable survival ability and support to the team.

Charlie’s Star Power

First Star Power: Digestive

Charlie’s star power, which causes cocooned enemies to lose 50% of their health upon recovering from the effect, is a strong choice in various situations, particularly when playing solo. It enhances her survival ability and can prove to be particularly effective in showdown modes, where maintaining control and eliminating opponents is crucial. This star power significantly bolsters her ability to excel in these scenarios.

Second Star Power: Slimy

Charlie’s star power, which leaves a slimy trail behind her cocoon for 5 seconds, is a valuable tool that can slow down enemies walking over it. This star power finds great utility in 3 vs. 3 modes, where controlling the battlefield and hindering the movement of opponents is a key element of success. It’s a solid choice that can significantly impact the outcome of matches in team-based game modes.

Best Charlie Build

Charlie’s optimal build combines her first gadget, “Spiders,” with her first star power, “Digestive.” This combination equips her with the tools necessary to maximize her potential. Charlie, who faces challenges in short-range combat, overcomes this limitation with this build, making her a versatile character with improved survival ability and damage-dealing capabilities. It’s a choice that can elevate her performance and make her a more well-rounded and effective brawler.

Best Modes for Playing Charlie

Charlie excels in various game modes, with her strengths shining the brightest in Heist, Solo Showdown, and Hot Zone.

In Heist, her first gadget, which summons spiders with decent damage and durability, proves to be a valuable asset. Additionally, her short-range damage capabilities allow her to deal significant damage to the enemy team’s safe, making her a perfect choice for this mode.

Solo Showdown is another mode where Charlie can thrive. Her recommended build equips her with the tools needed for success, enhancing her survival, damage output, dueling abilities, and the capacity to engage with multiple opponents effectively.

For Hot Zone, combining her second star power, “Slimy,” with her first gadget creates a potent combination. This synergy makes it challenging for opponents to maintain control of the hot zone. Her super can also be employed strategically to cocoon enemies, hindering their ability to capture the area and providing opportunities for your team to ambush and secure control of the zone.

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