Brawl Star: Mandy Best Gadget and Star Power

Mandy is a Chromatic brawler introduced in Season 16 of Brawl Stars. She falls under the Marksman category and possesses normal movement speed. What sets her apart is her remarkable attack range, which is the longest in the game when she’s focused. Even when moving, she maintains a long-range attack, and her reload speed is also normal.

Mandy’s basic attacks feature candy projectiles that pack a punch with their high damage output. When she’s in focus mode, her attack range surpasses that of every other brawler in the game. This can be quite vexing for opponents, especially in long-range maps with minimal obstacles.

Her super ability boasts the longest range in the game, capable of traversing the entire map, piercing through enemies, and passing through walls. When it hits, it delivers devastating damage, making Mandy a formidable force to contend with.

In this article, we’ll talk about Mandy’s Gadgets, Star Powers, explore her optimal build, and recommend game modes where she truly excels.

Mandy’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Caramelize

Mandy’s first gadget enables her next basic attack to slow down enemies for 2.5 seconds. The most effective way to utilize this gadget is by combining it with her super ability. Since her super can sometimes be evaded by agile opponents, using the gadget to slow down the enemy first makes it easier to land a successful hit with her super.

Second Gadget: Cookie Crumbs

Mandy’s second gadget grants her next basic attack the ability to pierce through enemies and objects. This gadget proves particularly valuable on maps that feature numerous obstacles, as it allows her attacks to bypass these obstacles and hit her intended targets more effectively.

Mandy’s Star Power

First Star Power: In My Sights

Mandy’s Star Power, when activated, enhances her attack speed by 20% when she’s in focus mode. This Star Power is the favored choice among professional players who use her, as it significantly boosts her performance and offensive capabilities.

Second Star Power: Hard Candy

Mandy’s second Star Power grants her a 30% shield when she’s in focus mode. However, this Star Power may not be as practical in many situations because when using focus attacks, you typically position yourself out of the enemy’s range. As a result, this Star Power may not find as much utility in most cases.

Best Mandy Build

The most effective build for Mandy indeed involves her first gadget, “Caramelize,” and her first star power, “In My Sights.” This combination provides an ideal synergy with her kit, allowing you to eliminate enemies with ease. By hitting your enemies with her gadget and then sniping them with your super, you can secure kills efficiently. This build aligns perfectly with Mandy’s abilities and is considered the most optimal choice for her.

Best Modes for Playing Mandy

The best game modes for playing Mandy are Heist, Knockout, and Bounty. In these modes, you can strategically position yourself in a bush and use her focus attacks to snipe the enemy team without needlessly exposing yourself to danger. Mandy’s ability to deal high damage from a distance can be extremely frustrating for opponents, and she has the potential to eliminate entire enemy teams with her super. Her kit is well-suited for these modes, and there are few brawlers that can effectively counter Mandy’s long-range prowess in these scenarios.

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