Brawl Star: Leon Best Gadget and Star Power

Leon is legendary Assassin brawler in Brawl Stars, he has very long range, fast movement and normal reload speed.

In this article, we’ll explore Leon’s Gadgets, Star Powers, recommended build, game modes where he shines, and his strengths and weaknesses when facing different opponents.

Leon is an excellent brawler known for a passive playstyle and the ability to secure kills. He excels in both short-range and long/medium-range combat, making him a versatile choice. However, mastering Leon may require significant practice to fully harness his potential.

Leon’s Gadgets

First Gadget: Clone Projector

Leon’s first gadget is known as the “Clone Projector.” This gadget allows Leon to create a duplicate of himself, which serves a dual purpose: confusing his enemies or providing a quick escape when necessary.

The clone has the ability to follow and track down enemies, making it useful not only for deception but also for scouting or locating opponents on the map.

Additionally, this gadget can be used to absorb incoming damage, especially when your health is running low. It becomes a valuable tool for passive gameplay rather than an aggressive approach.

In game modes like Solo or Duo Showdown, the Clone Projector can be highly advantageous. It can disrupt opponents by depleting their ammunition reserves, serve as an escape mechanism, or even act as a damage-absorbing shield.

Second Gadget: Lollipop Drop

Leon’s second gadget is named “Lollipop Drop.” When activated, Leon generates a circle of invisibility around himself. This invisibility not only conceals Leon but also extends its cover to his teammates. It’s worth noting that while this gadget can still be used to absorb damage, it offers less damage-absorbing capability than his first gadget.

Additionally, the invisibility provided by the Lollipop Drop gradually diminishes as it loses health over time.

This gadget should always be placed behind the walls so that it can’t be destroyed easily, You can use this gadget to reposition yourself in some situations, this gadget is more useful in 3 vs 3 modes because you can use it to provide support to your team and increase their survivability.

Leon’s Star Powers

First Star Power: Smoke Trails

Leon’s first Star Power is known as “Smoke Trails.” With this Star Power, Leon gains a 30% speed boost when he activates his super to become invisible. It’s a valuable choice for players looking to adopt an aggressive playstyle and is favored by players who like to play Brawl Ball.

Second Star Power: Invisiheal

Leon’s second Star Power is named “Invisiheal.” With this Star Power, Leon gains the ability to regenerate 1000 HP per second while he uses his super to turn invisible.

This boost in healing significantly enhances Leon’s durability, allowing him to stay in battle for longer time. However, it’s important to note that attacking while in the super state will end the invisibility and, consequently, the HP recovery.

Leon’s Mythic Gear: Lingering Smoke

In Brawl Stars, only a handful of brawlers possess Mythic gears, and Leon is one of them. Equipping this gear extends Leon’s super duration from 6 seconds to 7 seconds. This not only enhances his survivability but also boosts the effectiveness of his HP recovery if the second Star Power, Invisiheal, is in use.

Best Leon Build

The optimal build for Leon revolves around his second Star Power, Invisiheal. For the choice of gadget, it depends on the game mode you’re participating in:

  1. 3 vs. 3 Modes: In these modes, consider selecting Leon’s second gadget, Lollipop Drop. This gadget provides invisibility not only to Leon but also to his teammates, enhancing their durability and making it a valuable choice for team-based gameplay.
  2. Brawl Ball Mode: In Brawl Ball mode, you can also combine Leon’s first Star Power, Smoke Trails, with his second gadget. This combination allows Leon to become more mobile and excel in both offense and defense during Brawl Ball matches.

In Solo or Duo Showdown maps, using Leon’s first gadget can be a strategic choice. It allows you to absorb damage and increase your chances of surviving encounters where you’re outnumbered, like 1 vs. 2 situations. Additionally, the clone generated by this gadget can be deployed to confuse and mislead your opponents.

However, it’s worth noting that among professional players, Leon’s second gadget and second Star Power are often preferred. While the first gadget can absorb more damage, the clone’s movement pattern can make it challenging to use as cover during escape attempts and to dodge enemy attacks. Hence, the second gadget and second Star Power provide a more versatile and effective toolkit for high-level play.

Best Gear Choice for Leon

The optimal gear for Leon depends on your playstyle and the specific map you’re playing on:

  1. Damage and Health: This gear combination is a solid choice for Leon. It enhances his offensive capabilities by increasing his damage output, while the extra health boosts his survivability, allowing him to stay in battles longer and secure kills.
  2. Damage and Speed: On maps with abundant bushes that provide cover and opportunities for ambushes, Damage and Speed can be an excellent choice. The added damage boosts Leon’s offensive potential, and the increased speed allows him to quickly move in and out of cover, making it easier to surprise and eliminate opponents.

Your gear choice should align with your preferred Leon playstyle and the specific map dynamics, ensuring you adapt to the situation for the best results.

Best Modes for playing Leon

Leon is a versatile brawler who excels in both passive and aggressive playstyles. His effectiveness in various game modes largely depends on the build and playstyle you adopt. In 3 vs. 3 modes, a more cautious approach is often advisable.

It’s recommended to play defensively, patiently waiting for your super to charge. When you become invisible, you can then take advantage of the element of surprise to rush opponents and secure kills.

Leon can indeed shine in game modes like Knockout and Bounty. His long-range capabilities, along with his super ability, allow him to secure kills without exposing himself to too much danger. By suddenly appearing and eliminating opponents, he can take advantage of the element of surprise.

Additionally, his high movement speed further enhances his ability to efficiently escape after securing a kill. These qualities make Leon a strong choice for these particular game modes, where map control and strategic eliminations are key to victory.

Solo Showdown is also very good game mode for playing Leon. His versatile damage output across various ranges allows him to effectively deter opponents and maintain control over his surroundings. Additionally, his gadgets and super provide him with valuable survivability tools.

Leon’s Matchups

Good Matchups

Leon indeed has an advantage against brawlers with long-range attacks, healers, and throwers like Dynamike, Sprout, and Barley. His ability to go invisible allows him to surprise and flank these opponents effectively. With his high damage output, he can often win encounters against long-range brawlers, catching them off guard and securing kills before they can react.

Bad Matchups

Leon struggles against Tanky brawlers like Frank, who have high HP and can withstand his attacks. Additionally, brawlers with wide attack areas, such as Tara and Gene, can be challenging for Leon since they can easily hit him or his clone, making it harder for him to approach or engage effectively.

Gene’s wide attack area and the ability to disperse shots across a large space can make it challenging for Leon to approach or attack him effectively. Additionally, Gene’s gadget, which can push away attackers, adds an extra layer of defense against Leon’s rush tactics.

Vision gear is also used to counter Leon’s invisibility, revealing his location to opponents and making him vulnerable to attacks.

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